About the course
Close protection operative
Close protection operative
Course duration – 21 days (3 weeks)
Week 1
- Close quarter protection
- Defense legalities
- Threat analysis
- Escort foot formations
- Equipment selection and usage
- Operations centre
- Communications network
- Safety
Week 3
- Anti-hijacking Counter-measures
- Emergency medical training (FPOS)
- Intelligence operations
- Planning & Protection
Week 2
- Explosive device recognition & clearance drills
- Evacuation drills
- Advanced Tactical Defensive Weapons
- Advanced Tactical Urban Rifle & Shotgun
- Close Quarter Un-armed Defense
- Defensive & Advanced Driving Tactics
- Vehicle Escorts & Evasive Action Drills
- House penetration & room clearance
Week 3
- Etiquette & Protocol
- Physical intervention techniques
- HDD Helicopter Deployment Drills
- Voluntary Ambulance Duty as Paramedic Assistant
Training & Corses
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.